So there it was, 5am and ready to roll out to get this party started. Piled in the car with five large bags, carry ons, computers and a stroller. A modern day version of the Calmpetts for sure. Thanks to Jesse for an early morning shuttle to the airport and we were stop LAX, then on to Houston, then finally San Jose Cost Rica.
Getting ready to touch down in Houston. Two legs down, one to go!
The final leg of the flight was by far the most exciting. I tried to take pictures but just couldn't do justice to the scene outside the plane. By the time we got over central America it was completely dark with a big full moon out and a spectacular lightning storm in the distance. As we made our way closer to our final destination bolts of lightning would flash revealing a sky full of massive storm clouds around us. Somehow, even though the storm wasn't too far off, the ride was smooth the whole way into San Jose. All in all a very cool way to end the trip!