Blog Archive

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gabs turns three and time to flee

Can't believe out little girl is already three months old, and can't believe out big beach trip has come to and end.  Five months have come and gone and now it was time to pack up and head north for our next set of adventures.  Our last day in Costa Rica we decided to head to the beach to watch the sunrise.

we woke up at 4:30 and were on the beach at 5am.  It was still dark when we arrived but it was a full moon that night so the beach was light by moonlight.  As were the waves.

We watched the sky shift colors as the sun began to make its way to the horizon.

So amazing, even as it got lighter and lighter, the moon continued to cast a glow on the sea!

We were completely alone until the early morning surfers started to arrive. 

and Gabs and I watched them paddle out 

and then took an early morning dip (more like a wade) in the waves ourselves.

Soon it was time to head home and get our packing on

Later that day we all headed back to the beach for our final sunset.  Bittersweet as I look back on our time here.   I know we'll return but am sad to be leaving this amazing place.  On the other hand really excited to introduce our daughter to all our people up north.

Will miss the food here...

...and the beach...

...and having Gabs be a naked beach babe, dressed only in her diaper...

...riding my bike in the morning to my gym...

...and the people!  Everyone here has been amazing.  Such a wonderful community, such a mixed bag of characters.  Thanks for everything and we'll see you all soon!!!

for now... 
we'll be continuing the blog with our adventures up north.